s690ql/s690/high strength steel/690 steel

S690QL High Strength Quenched and Tempered Structural Steel

S690QL High Strength Quenched and Tempered Structural Steel

S690QL Flame-Cutting

The temperature of the material should be at least RT for flame-cutting. In addition, the following

preheating temperatures are recommended for certain plate thicknesses: For plate thicknesses over 40mm, preheat to 100°C and for thicknesses over 80mm, preheat to 150°C.

S690QL Welding

S690QL steel is suitable for all current welding methods. The temperature of the material should be at least RT for welding. In addition, the following preheating temperatures are recommended for certain plate thicknesses:

20mm – 40mm: 75°C

Over 40mm: 100°C

60mm and cuanto cuesta un termometro digital en la farmacia over: 150°C

These indications are standard values only, in principle, indications of Adenovirus infection Use Doxycycline SEW 088 should be adhered to.

The t 8/5 times should be between 5 and 25 s, depending on Night priapism treatment Use Cialis the welding technique used. Should stress relief annealing be necessary for constructional reasons, this should be done in the temperature range of 530°C-580°C

Welding Method

Type of Electrode


FOX EV 85, FOX U 100 N

OK 75.75






U 100-UP, NiCrMo 2,5-UP//BB24

OK Autrod 13.44/ OK Flux 10.62

EF6, F11A8-EM4-M4





OK Autrod 13.29, OK Tubrod 14.03


ER100S-G, E110T-G



Country of Origin :

Japan, Korea, China, UK, Denmark, Germany, French, Austria, Finland and Sweden.

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Please note: the technical information above is for guidance only – for exact specifications please check with our sales team.

S690QL High Strength Quenched and Tempered Structural Steel